AWESOME course!
I just recently finished the course Building Data Visualization Course from Coursera. The course is taught by:
- Roger D. Peng, PhD, Associate Professor Biostatistics
- Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Brooke Anderson, Assistant Professor Environmental & Radiological Health Sciences
- Colorado State University from Johns Hopkins University
I decided to create projects that will involve data from my country the Philippines and share them with everyone by placing them in this repository.
The README markdown document is displayed by default by GitHub whenever you visit a GitHub repository. The document you are reading now is the file. It contains information about the content of this repo.
Each of the folders in this repository contain the files for my projects. You can read a brief description of each project below and explore each project by exploring the directory.
You can click on the
file in each directory to display the file in html. However, for some reason, my leaflet plots are not displaying properly. You may prepend the following URL to the URL of the html file to display them in
To download the content of this repository as a .zip file, click on this link or click on the Download ZIP button. If you have a GitHub account, you can fork the content so you’ll have a copy on your GitHub account.